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REMAN Technology by Knowledge and Technology Transfer

Remanufacturing refers to the rebuilding and upgrading of machinery and equipment to “like-new” or “better-than-new” condition through a process of retrofitting with new components. The sector is growing in importance internationally (with EU market potential of EUR 90 billion according to forecasts for the year 2030), creating increased demand for businesses to optimize their technical expertise.

SMAB provides REMAN knowledge- and technology-transfer services; particularly to companies with limited industrial research potential that need practical knowledge and new product and technology development research results. Interdisciplinary partnerships between companies and researchers allow the former to develop specifications of their own products, thereby contributing to the innovation process within the cluster.

The services offered by the cluster provide strong support. Companies gain access to research results, benefit from support through development projects, specific learning and training measures as well as organizational supports accompanying trade fairs, workshops and cooperation exchange.
The service concept efficiently deploys available resources and structures the innovation process through a portfolio of instruments that support the long-term integration of the different actors into the process.

Figure: Classification into the product life cycle of remanufacturing